The UK government recently made amendments to its laws regarding online pornography, sparking controversy and debate among citizens and activists. These amendments, which aim to protect children from accessing inappropriate content, have been heavily criticized for being inherently sexist and discriminatory. In this article, we will delve into the details of these amendments and explore why they are problematic from a feminist perspective.

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The Amendments

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The new regulations require all commercial pornographic websites to verify the age of their users before allowing them access to explicit content. This verification process involves users providing proof of their age, such as a passport or driving license, before they can view pornography. Additionally, the websites are required to implement age verification systems to ensure that underage individuals cannot access adult material.

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The Problem

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While the intention behind these amendments is to protect children from exposure to harmful content, the implementation of the regulations has raised concerns about their impact on women and marginalized communities. Critics argue that the laws are inherently sexist and discriminatory, as they disproportionately affect women and perpetuate harmful stereotypes about female sexuality.

Gender Disparities

One of the primary issues with the new laws is the disproportionate impact they have on women. Studies have shown that women are less likely to engage with online pornography compared to men, and the verification process may discourage even more women from accessing adult material. This creates a gender disparity in access to sexual content, reinforcing the idea that male sexuality is more acceptable and normalized than female sexuality.

Furthermore, the regulations fail to address the root causes of harmful and exploitative pornography, such as the objectification and degradation of women. Instead of tackling the systemic issues within the porn industry, the laws place the burden on individual users, particularly women, to prove their age and legitimacy in accessing adult material.

Marginalized Communities

The amendments also have a detrimental impact on marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ individuals and sex workers. Many members of these communities rely on online platforms to access and distribute sexual content, and the age verification process poses significant barriers to their freedom of expression and sexual autonomy.

For example, transgender individuals may face challenges in providing identification that matches their gender identity, leading to potential discrimination and exclusion from accessing pornographic material. Sex workers, who often use online platforms to market their services and connect with clients, are also at risk of being further marginalized and stigmatized by the new regulations.

Feminist Perspective

From a feminist perspective, the amendments to the UK law on porn are deeply problematic. They perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, restrict women's access to sexual content, and disproportionately impact marginalized communities. Instead of addressing the root causes of exploitative pornography and promoting a more inclusive and equitable approach to sexual expression, the laws reinforce existing power imbalances and discrimination.

Moving Forward

In order to address the issues surrounding the UK's laws on pornography, it is crucial to center the voices and experiences of women and marginalized communities. Advocates for gender equality and sexual liberation must continue to challenge the discriminatory nature of the amendments and push for policies that prioritize the rights and autonomy of all individuals, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation.


The recent amendments to the UK law on pornography have sparked heated debate and criticism, particularly from feminist activists and advocates for gender equality. The regulations, which aim to protect children from accessing explicit content, have been denounced as inherently sexist and discriminatory, as they disproportionately impact women and marginalized communities. It is imperative to continue challenging these laws and advocating for a more inclusive and equitable approach to sexual expression and freedom.